The giant, evil smiley face entity may as well represent his trauma altogether, seeing how it was the one who most likely corrupted the characters and pretty much everything in the game, and as someone who has severe anxiety myself, I can confirm that anxiety does change the way you see things in life. His eye colors also invert in the third dream, his eyes become black with white irises, which tells us that this memory affected him gravely as in the other two dreams, his eyes weren't inverted. In the third and last dream, also the most disturbing one, directly represents him losing his dog in the woods, and everything of the third dream is once again drawn in black and red with creepy imagery. Before the second dream, the boy loses his bunny teddy in the lake, and the rabbit taking the bunny when he is in the dream and going into the rabbit hole, it directly visualizes the lake, and the cannibalistic bigger rabbit that comes out is what the boy is afraid of. We as well see his anxiety through the other dreams. This definitely tells us this boy has anxiety. In this part, after putting the toys together, these jellyfish-things start playing some sort of gong/symbal which causes the boy to freak out when it does it over and over again. Take one particular part in the first dream. The boy throughout the whole game is constantly mumbling and whimpering as if he was anxious about something and all of his dreams/nightmares are related to events that caused this anxiety, like when we are shown a bully who took his ball, he associates toys with evil, as the toys in Dream One are all black and red and all creepy looking.

It has to be some form of anxiety, most likely PTSD.